
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Use My Camera Classic: My Last Meal In The South

**In this series of posts, I revisit interesting locations and sites that I never got around to posting about when I originally visited them.**

Here's a blast from the past from more than a year ago. It is my last meal while living in the deep South and it comes from our favorite local breakfast place, Ann & Bill's Restaurant in Morrow, Georgia. I went with a fried chicken meal with coleslaw (on the right) and their attempt at Waldorf salad (on the left). I had been eyeing the Waldorf salad on the menu as an appetizer for a while but as I typically went with a breakfast item I didn't get a chance until the very end of our time there. Final rating: a bit odd with a thicker mayo sauce then I'm used to. 

With each meal at Ann & Bill's, you can have a choice of grits or muffins. You should always give the grits a try once to say you've had true Southern grits but after that first time, it is muffins all the way! They are homemade and so tasty.

So that was it. Laura and I would shortly be headed to Washington D.C. and by the end of the summer we had made our way to central Illinois. 

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