
Monday, April 13, 2015

Savage Pizza's Marvel Art

To the east of downtown Atlanta you can find a nice little neighborhood called Little Five Points that reminds me of the State Street area of Madison or the Uptown area of Minneapolis. Lots of little shops, a college town feel, and definitely some bearded hipsters hanging at coffee shops.

One restaurant in the neighborhood I've been interested to try was Savage Pizza since the first time we drove by and I noticed the Marvel Comics themed artwork on the outside. That's an X-Men Sentinel blasting some pepperoni out of its hands over the store's logo.

On the front window you can find Marvel's god-like characters The Celestials. In the Marvel Universe they had a hand in shaping and advancing mankind on Earth. No one has seen what the Celestials like under their armor.

Another mural on the front glass features The Mighty Thor battling his step-brother Loki.

 My overall favorite piece was this Doctor Strange painting inside the restaurant. Of all the upcoming Marvel movies I think I am most excited about Doctor Strange headed to a theater near you November 4th, 2016.

During my visit I had some garlic bread sticks and an Italian submarine sandwich. Both were excellent but I think I'll try some pizza the next time around. 

Another shop in the Little Five Points area is Videodrome which is video store that has somehow been able to survive in the digital age. If I lived closer to the store I am sure I would be a regular as I loved Scarecrow Video when we lived in Seattle.

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