
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Winterset, Iowa Pt. 1

Yes, you read that title correctly. I need more than one post to cover visiting a city of a little more than 5,000 people in the middle of Iowa. You see, as far as small towns go Winterset, Iowa hit the jackpot of tourist attractions. Not only do they boast John Wayne's birthplace [and upcoming John Wayne Museum] this Madison County town also has many of the famous Bridges of Madison County surrounding it. I'll be highlighting those two attractions in a future post, today we have a couple of interesting alternative Winterset sites.

In the center of town there is the lovely Madison County Courthouse built in 1876. 

Directly across the street from the courthouse is this great movie theater called the Iowa Theater. It recently had a campaign to upgrade their projection to digital projection and they often have interesting movie themes like John Wayne/Maureen O'Hara films

Over at the Chamber of Commerce office/gift shop they have a TV showing "The Bridges of Madison County" during business hours.

I also found in there gift shop a pile of these great Winterset Dairy caps. I especially love the old phone number "529."

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