
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Running Into The Kardashians In Santorini

By far the most unexpected part of our trip to Greece was running into the Kardashians on Santorini.  Laura and I had been joking told that we should keep an eye out for the family as they were also visiting Greece.  We assumed they would be at some exclusive resort and joked about it a couple of times while walking around town.  Well, while we were walking around the town of Oia there out of the clear blue sky was 1976 Olympic Gold Medalist in the Decathlon Bruce Jenner.  

A little bit behind them was Kourtney Kardashian and her husband Scott with their kids.

They had their personal security surrounding them and so they started bugging me about taking photos.  I stepped down the alley way and got a photo of Bruce's son Brody Jenner and his wife Kris [in the white dress on the right].  I felt like quite the paparazzo.

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