
Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Cat Guarding The Luggage Lockers At The Kiev Train Station

 In my friend Vanessa's blog, From Lawrence to Latvia, she often highlights the cats she comes upon her travels.  I've been doing the same thing while in Ukraine but I've been saving my shots for one big post of all the animals Laura and I have run into on our trips.  But the cat we ran into on Friday was just too good to hold onto.  We had about six hours to kill in Kiev before our train to Lviv so we went and stowed our bags in the luggage lockers under the Kiev train station.  At the end of the isle in which we stored our stuff was this sight.

This very smart cat had found probably the warmest spot in the entire station and I have a feeling there is no shortage of mice to keep him fed.  

He even gave us a nice pose when we got a little closer.

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