
Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Kharkiv Circus

One cold winter evening a few weeks ago Laura and I went to the The Kharkiv Circus which has been around since 1883.  I didn't quite know what to expect before going in...would we see tons of animals?...high flying gymnastics like Cirque Du Soleil?...or maybe some Ukrainian hybrid? 

It was a circus in the round with a carpeted main stage so at this point I'm doubting that I'm going to see some elephants tonight.

They had a full band that was very very entertaining throughout the night...

 ...along with two clowns that filled the entertainment void while the crew was changing sets.

We saw acrobats, roller skaters, magicians, and tumblers but the stars of the show without a doubt were the dog performers.  They opened the show and would do just about any trick you could think of for a treat from their trainer.   

Eventually they all took turns jumping rope and then a little dachshund came out and did some jumping and melted everyone's heart.

During the intermission you could get your photo taken with the performing dogs.

Also during intermission smaller kids could go down to the arena floor and get strapped in to be lifted to the ceiling.  I was a bit too far away to see exactly how they were connected to the apparatus but let's just say that I was pleasantly surprised no one ended up hurt.

The second act brought out the pyrotechnics and the high flying acts...

The gymnasts were portrayed as one big family ...

...but I'm not seeing too much of a family similarity...

Overall, it was a lot of fun and one of the best nights we've had out and about in Kharkiv.

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