
Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Motherland Monument

Without a doubt the most impressive thing I've seen so far on my adventure to Ukraine has been the Motherland monument at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Kiev.  Laura rolls her eyes for a few reasons, one being that we've been to many historic and remarkable Orthodox churches including The Lavra which is the center of the Eastern Orthodox religion in Eastern Europe.  We've seen the museum to honor the tragedy at Chernobyl, the site of the Orange Revolution in 2004, and many other spots that could be contenders and I've chosen a severely Russian monument that it turns out isn't the most popular site with Kiev citizens.

It's really hard to miss the monument from anywhere on this side of Kiev.

There is zero parking around the monument so everyone takes a stroll towards it as it slowly gets larger and larger in the skyline. 

As you walk up to the monument they pump in traditional Russian folk and military songs to enhance the experience.  The museum itself is located directly under the monument and as an American it's nice to see an Eastern Front museum as we get almost none of that in the States.

Another view of the 62 meter statue...which is a little over 200 feet high:

Along with the monument and museum there are several statue/murals done in the famous Socialist Realism style.  I love this style so much and this first piece with the Ukrainian people looking at you as you walk by is truly haunting.

Here are a few more murals surrounding the monument:

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